Remembering Randy

Remembering a Sweet Hen

Sweet Sally

October 11, 2020
We only had Randy for a few months, but in that time he touched many lives. Although he had a rough start in life you would never know it due to his happy disposition. He had already earned several nicknames, which is always an indication of a beloved family member. He was Randy, Randall, and Macho-Man Randy Savage.
Randy was a cryptorchid, meaning he had a retained testicle. Although he was castrated as a young goat, he was still essentially an intact male. He wandered the courtyard with the pigs longing to be with his goat friends. He was ALWAYS craving love and affection and we were there to give it to him. He was the perfect sidekick.
So we did what we thought was best for him. We brought him to the vet to have this situation resolved via surgery. This would allow him to live out his life in the company of other goats. Sadly, he died on the operating table.
We buried him on the grounds of our sanctuary and think and talk of him often. He definitely left a lasting impression on our hearts. He is truly missed. RIP Randy - we will love you forever!
June 23, 2021
We lost a sweet friend yesterday.
This sweet hen was over 8 years old and lived a happy full life at the sanctuary. She had many human and animal friends here at the farm.
She was given the chance to walk about freely, dustbathe, scratch for food and have no demand put on her to lay eggs or do anything for anyone else.
She just got to be her hen self.
We brought her to the vet yesterday but she had a severe respiratory problem and couldn’t recover. 😢
She will be lovingly buried with our other animals who have died on the farm.
We will miss her presence and will think of her often.
We will love you forever!
October 10, 2021
Sally was a sweet soul with beautiful eyes and the cutest crooked smile. She was one of the first animals you'd see when you arrived at the sanctuary. You actually felt like Sally was smiling at you and so happy to see you each and every time. She made YOU feel special.
We're not sure what happened to Sally but like to think that she died peacefully in her sleep. We were told that she had a thyroid tumor but it didn't seem to bother her all that often. Just once and awhile we would notice her not eating but it seemed to pass each time.
Sally was only with us for less than a year but did she ever have an impact! EVERYONE loved her. We especially enjoyed watching her relationship with little Noel, a rescued sheep that came to us as a baby. Sally looked after her, made sure she had plenty to eat and a nice place to nap.
We are really grateful Sally got to live here surrounded by so many animals and people who loved her. She was magical!
Rest In Peace. Sally. You've brought us incredible joy in your short time with us. We will love you forever!
Remembering Phoenix

April 19, 2022
Phoenix arrived to HFS in June 2021. He arrived in dire need of medical attention. And he arrived unwanted by the people who purchased him only to kill him. He suffered from a condition called bumblefoot, which is very painful. And he had broken wings. Although we could not fix his broken wings, we tried to treat his badly infected foot.
The volunteers, especially Robine, Kelly and Allison tried to make him better and keep him comfortable.
He was given a safe place to heal, friends to be with, bowls of tasty handmade salads and lots of love showered upon him during his almost year with us.
We find solace in the fact that he died surrounded by friends, in a warm bed and very loved!
You will never be forgotten and will live in our hearts forever, sweet Phoenix!
You are now pain-free and soaring above us - rise, Phoenix, rise ❤

Oct 21st, 2022
Dolly was such a sweet duck with her little poof on her head. She was with us for years and we got so used to seeing her sweet little face and cute personality all the time. It is definitely different without her here.
She lived with 2 other female ducks and enjoyed her days floating in her newly build pond and visiting with her adoptive brothers Bret and Ernie.
She loved her veggies and would gobble them up. In the afternoons you could find her under a bush napping quietly.
Although we are devasted she is gone we are so happy she got to live out the last few years of her life in peace and harmony and surrounded by her family and friends. She was very loved.
You will never be forgotten, Dolly! We will continue to talk about you and tell sweet, sweet stories about how you affected our lives.
You will be very missed.

November 11, 2022
Our pig Francis (aka Frantastic and Franny) had a chronic health issue of bladder stones. We were managing it without surgery for the last 5 years. Over the years, he was treated several times with laser treatments to try to break up the stones. We kept him on a special diet coupled with ammonium chloride, cranberry juice, herbal supplements, and pain meds as needed.
He spent his days walking around, eating pumpkins, and happily wagging his tail with his friends. He was able to urinate and frankly, looked great. We always tucked him and his friends into bed each and every night.
One morning we noticed he didn't look so great. We started to worry and were making plans to load him up and take him to OSU since our local vet couldn’t do the procedure he needed on a weekend. HFS's animal care team came running!
He died on his own before we loaded him up while in the loving, grounding arms of our friend Jeff.
While we are so relieved he’s no longer suffering, we feel absolutely devastated and heartbroken.
The above picture was just taken the week before he passed.
RIP Sweet Francis! You were a Fran-tastic pig and we hope you’re flying high free of pain.
We will love you forever, Francis ❤